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  BY SATURNIIS TABULA ORDER. 1 9ηι_ O32X8 8 9ι6 49.36 O./α_76 This ebove a coded message with this Code.This Code is a special secret kind Code.It cover every letter of every word,from their OROMUSEM into the each word.This kind is a type-code in steps word by word. The OROMUSEM is the key.Details in manucript SATURNIIS MENTIS(Saturnian mind)..
BY SATURNIIS CORDIS ORDER. ΩΘ ΕΓΟΖ ΩΔΥ ΩΚΕΔΥ ΑΘΚ ΗΖΕΓΖ ΒΚΩΘ ΙΘΚ ΟΓΩΛ. ΥΓ ΒΕΒΙΛ ΙΛΔ. ΩΛΟΒ ΟΒ ΕΓΩΒΥΛ ΥΒΖ ΓΕΛ.ΒΑΔΕ ΟΓΓ ΑΘΚ. This above message coded,as the all others in greek.Below will follow and in english.
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BY SATURNIIS CORDIS ORDER. D\'IFUC IF OGEY. HFG BEC CUCEHOYDUU OFE OC.OH IFUC .OH ABAH. This is a message coded in corect english.Isn\'t anagramm or themura\'s method.